My Giants

My Giants
Here are a few of my Giants

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

This morning I did some deep soul searching with God then took a good look in the mirror this morning.  Deep in my soul there is some hurt lurking.  Things that people have said and done to me has built up a tinted glass wall.  The wall allows me to see people and everything clearly.  I can put my hand on the glass and actually feel them but it also blocks people from getting close to me.  Im safe because no one can touch me and I can always move back so they cant see me because the the glass is tinted.  I know this may sound crazy but its the visual I got today.  

What I also saw today in the mirror was that I was hidden under mounds of STUFF!  The real me is buried behind past abuse and pain.  I will speak on that another day.

So my assignment today is to break through the tinted glass and move the STUFF.

Tonight I will be attending my childhood friends New Years Eve party.  The last time I attended a New Years Eve party was over 25 yrs ago!  LOL kinda sad right?  I don't have a date but who needs one.  Im going to be happy with me, myself & I!  Im going to celebrate new beginnings and a new me!  

No longer will I accept being on the inside looking out. I will be on the outside enjoying life and learning who I really am.

I will take pics of course...  Happy New Years to you all....  Be Blessed

Carmen :)

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